What We Do

What We Do.jpg

Beckett & Co. brings writers together in living rooms (and for now, Zoom) across Chicagoland. Here’s how they work:

  • You bring in four pages to your workshop for review each week. It can be anything: fresh pages, a rewrite, a short humorous essay or a small section of your sci-fi epic. Whatever the case, bring a print copy for Nancy to mark up.

  • You read those four pages out loud. The rest of the workshop participants provide candid, constructive criticism to your pages, describing what they like and what they want to see more of. You listen and come away with an abundance of feedback to apply to your piece and beyond.

  • After you read, we go through the same process with each participant.

We keep it real, honest and kind. If that sounds like your thing, we invite you to sign up for an upcoming session in Chicago or online.